Monday, 11 January 2016

Loose Parts

If you have been to our Early Years Family Centre you have most likely seen a number of "loose parts" available for our visitors to interact with.  We are often asked why do we include them in our space.

Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways.  They are materials that have no specific direction and can be used alone or in combination with other materials.

 We love the fact that by playing with loose parts children are using more creativity and imagination and of course working on fine motor skills as they manipulate the materials.

Notice the variety of loose parts provided in this kitchen area - the types of meals prepared are not limited by the materials provided

Loose Parts available with play-doh provides endless possibilities.

Here is a great example of how one of our young friends utilized rocks, sticks and animals.

Looking for more information - check out this blog on Let the Children Play

Great Resource Loose Parts by Daly and Beloglovsky
Posted by Lynda Gellner  B.Ed., M.Ed.
Early Years Family Centre Developer  

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