Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Creating Marbleized Paper

Our facilitator provided children with an opportunity to explore colour mixing but with a twist. 

Children were provided with three containers that contained vegetable oil, food colouring and a little bit of water. They were then invited to add drops of colour onto a black tray and to swirl the colours together.  Mixing on the black tray meant that you couldn’t really see how the colours were mixing until you pressed the blank sheet against the surface and then pulled it away to see your masterpiece. 

The children (and adults) were delighted to turn over their papers to discover how their colours had mixed and the patterns that were created.  One young friend stayed at this activity for over 30 minutes and experimented with different strategies and techniques.

 “Children use their senses, their minds and their bodies to find out about and make sense of what they see, feel and experience in the world around them. They gather information and develop new skills, including thinking skills. They form ideas and theories and test these out. They refine their ideas through exploring their environment actively and through interacting and communicating with adults and with other children. Much of this happens through play and    other experiences that allow children to be creative, to take risks, and to make discoveries. As they learn, they retest their theories adjusting them to take on board new discoveries and new experience”  National Council for Curriculum and Evaluation

Lynda Gellner 

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