Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Pumpkin Exploration

This fall at Scott we have had many different invitations set up for the children to explore. 

One of the many has been pumpkins.

First, we cut open all the pumpkins and emptied them out.   Once empty we put all the pumpkin seeds, etc. into a clear ziploc bag.  The children were then able to get a close look at what is inside a pumpkin.

Next we painted a few of the pumpkins and tried out an activity called "drip-painting." The activity uses acrylic paint so it is important to wear old clothes or a paint shirt to avoid stains.  The children were given a squeeze bottle of the paint .  They started at at the top of the pumpkin and squeezed out some paint and watched as it dripped down the sides of the pumpkin.  This can be continued with as many colours as desired around the entire pumpkin. 

Lastly, we tried pumpkin-cano’s. The pumpkin was placed in the bottom of the water table for an easy clean up. (Note: a tray or large dish would work as well.) The children then poured enough baking soda into the pumpkin to just cover the bottom of the pumpkin.  They added a few drops of dish soap (optional) and then poured vinegar into the pumpkin and watched the "science" happen! The children loved the erupting pumpkin-cano’s so much we repeated it several times each taking turns dumping and pouring different measurements of the ingredients into the pumpkin. 

Doing Science experiments with children help to develop math skills while they measure and experiment with different measurements.  They begin to develop critical thinking by seeing what happens if they change what ingredient is added first, etc. (For example: adding the vinegar before the baking soda, etc). Pouring and dumping the various ingredients also develops both fine and gross motor skills. 

As winter is quickly approaching be sure to come to our locations to see what new changes are happening. Also be sure to check out the November calendar to stay updated. 

Laura Bieber

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